I heard of a college student suffering from abdominal pain. He was scanned and diagnosed as having both kidney stone and appendicitis and was advised surgery the next day itself (EMERGENCY ??). As I have seen so many patients suffering after such surgeries, I spoke to him about the other methods available. He was talking to me in a normal manner, and did not seem to suffer that much that warranted such an immediate operation. He said he will talk to his parents and come back. But the surgery was performed the next day., he is on leave for 2 weeks.....Think of the time he will take to re-coup ....It is not clear how people go in for surgeries in such a hasty manner, when so many alternate methods are available. Life has been made so complicated for all of us, that we are unable to believe that an alternate simple remedy actually exists and works for many.........Only spreading of this knowledge/awareness would help these situations.....
Go through this link for example. http://www.malvernacupunctureclinic.com/?p=1 and some experiences shared by Dr.Thamizhavel in his blog http://siddhahealer.blogspot.com.......And by the way, if any of you have missed and are eager (???) to read any part of the "Know Your Body" mails, kindly visit his blog - http://siddhahealer.blogspot.com.
Today's Tip
For curing even severe appendicitis, simple pressing of this point (No.21- Colon - in the attached picture) in the palm would suffice. A boy opposite to my house got cured by this (as advised by Dr. Thamizhavel). He was also referred for surgery earlier, as he frequently had severe abdominal pain. We took him to the clinic one day, the Doctor gave healing, and told his mother to simply press the spot for 15 seconds every day (பட்டும் படாமலும், வண்ணத்துப்பூச்சி உட்காருவதைப் போல) . I also remember touching the point, and felt as if a thorn was inside, and he had sharp pain when I touched the spot. He was further told to change some of his eating habits.To take Fruits instead of Noodles/chips which he often indulged in. He is normal now, and as a routine check up, I used to call him and press his colon point in the palm.
Using the simple Reflex points, Dr. Devendra Vora has been treating many patients (including cancer), and he is doing it as a service in Mumbai. To know more about your body, go through his book HEALTH IN YOUR HANDS which is just Rs.100 , and worth more than that......The publisher is in Chennai also - NAVNEET PUBLICATIONS, 30 Sri Ram Nagar, Alwarpet, Chennai 600 018 .....Road Opp Royal Furniture........(Ph 2434 6404)
In Allopathy, it is said that the "appendix" is an unwanted one and can/shall be removed. But actually it is essential for our body, as our toxins get collected there and it is an indication for us to correct our digestive system/food habits....... if it is removed, the toxins circulate all over the body , causing further burden to the digestive organs, which may result in other problems, which allopathy will not tell us........
Go through this for more idea.....on how Allopathy treats Appendicitis.......In any case they try to remove the Appendix.......?????
If you have an uncomplicated case, a surgeon will usually remove your appendix soon after your doctor thinks you might have the condition. For information on this type of surgery see: appendectomy.
Because the tests used to diagnose appendicitis are not perfect, sometimes the operation will reveal that your appendix is normal. In that case, the surgeon will remove your appendix and explore the rest of your abdomen for other causes of your pain.
If a CT scan shows that you have an abscess from a ruptured appendix, you may be treated for infection and have your appendix removed after the infection and inflammation have gone away.
கருத்துகள் இல்லை:
எனது அனுபவங்களின்-தேவைகளின் அழுத்தம் என்னை எழுத வைத்துள்ளது. உங்கள் கருத்துகளால் இவை செழுமைப் படும்.