வெள்ளி, 10 ஜூன், 2011

Know Your Body - 23


"Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness" ...James Tharber

Being aware of what your body says is THE point of analysis. No doctor can assess your health, more than you, if you are aware of what happens in your body. The other day I saw a patient explaining to the Doctor, that she recently observed/diagnosed that her headache is not due to the head bath or cold shower, but only due to the tension in her workplace. So all these cause and effect can be analyzed by you easily, if you observe your pains over a period of time, and you can try to correct the cause for it.  This will reduce your unnecessary fears and medical expenses in a great way.


The fifth point in the Triple Warmer meridian, TW5, is also a point for calming the mind. In the previous mail, we saw about P6. These two points are on the same place from the wrist, on either sides of your hand. Pressing TW5 also helps to relieve the migraine headache.

How to pressure: Gently grasp both points by placing the index finger on the topside point, and the thumb on the bottom point above the wrists.

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எனது அனுபவங்களின்-தேவைகளின் அழுத்தம் என்னை எழுத வைத்துள்ளது. உங்கள் கருத்துகளால் இவை செழுமைப் படும்.