செவ்வாய், 14 ஜூன், 2011

Know Your Body - 24

Today's Fact

Some days we would have felt that we are in good spirits. On those days, we would be laughing, having fun, teasing others, telling jokes and literally anything on that day would have been made all things around us lighter and easier to handle. You would have felt as if  you are in an elevated position and viewing your life/career from this place would be much easier than viewing from the same level. How do we achieve this daily.? If we enjoy whatever we do, this is possible. Right from a mundane routine cooking to reading a favorite author's book, we should enjoy whatever we do. So be free/feel free wherever you are, however you are...... Once we are in high spirits, it is like a contagious disease..our whole atmosphere would change, everybody around us would also change to the same level.....

Today's Tip

CV 14, the 6th point above the umblicus is an important SPIRIT point. Pressing this point transforms the phlegm, regulates the heart. If you place your 5 fingers (flat) above the naval, the place where the 6th finger would come, is the CV 14. 


கருத்துகள் இல்லை:


எனது அனுபவங்களின்-தேவைகளின் அழுத்தம் என்னை எழுத வைத்துள்ளது. உங்கள் கருத்துகளால் இவை செழுமைப் படும்.