வெள்ளி, 10 ஜூன், 2011

Know Your Body - 22

Today's Fact :

Why Blood Pressure ?  The Heart pumps more blood to certain parts/organs of our body, basically to make it perform better. HEART IS THE KING OF ORGANS. Whatever be the shortcome in other organs, heart takes it seriously and starts pumping blood to that part to make it alright. If you see a child falling down, then naturally the whole of your body would be involved in running and taking the baby. The heart would have pumped more blood for your motor action. Imagine , at this time your blood pressure is checked and you are prescribed to take medicine (to keep it at some optimum (?) level), which shall continue for the life time. And think of the side effects of such medicine prescribed. You will be made as a life time patient, for small act. This is what happens in a health check up. You go for health check up and suddenly you are announced that you have heart problem, blood pressure, cholestrol and all that stuff.....(till then you were perfectly normal), and your whole life is changed after that. You will be given a number of tablets, which will have its own side effects and so on...... So think for yourself and decide......At the same time,  what you should avoid is "The Act of Hating .....people/things/situations". Love and Hate cannot co-exist, just as Life and Death cannot co-exist. So practice more of LOVE and try to accept situations/people/relationships "AS IT IS....." This would do good to your heart.

                  (Dr .தமிழவேள் மொழியில் சொல்வதென்றால், இரத்த அழுத்தம் நல்லதே,.....தவிர்க்க வேண்டியது.....இரத்தக்கொதிப்பை)

Today's Tip

Having said about LOVE, today's tip would be about the LOVE point. P6 - the 6th point in the Pericardium meridian is termed as the "Perfect Love" point. Gently pressing this point calms the mind, harmonizes the stomach and regulates the heat element.


கருத்துகள் இல்லை:


எனது அனுபவங்களின்-தேவைகளின் அழுத்தம் என்னை எழுத வைத்துள்ளது. உங்கள் கருத்துகளால் இவை செழுமைப் படும்.