Dear Friends,
As suggested by Vaidehi Madam, starting from today, I propose to share the knowledge regarding Healing,acupuncture etc.,
I will trouble you all daily with a mail, - one fact and one tip (for you to try and report to me the next day)...........
Ganesh - you can share this with your SD Engineers also. (Don't just forward it as usual, read it and then forward)
You must be all aware that after the recent Tsunami in Japan, and the threat regarding leakage of atomic reactors etc., many people had "thyroid" imbalance. As per the allopathic standard, they will have to maintain a certain measurement, and they start giving thyroid tablets (which is still insufficient).
Actually, the fact behind this is - due to fear (for life-naturally), the kidney meridian gets affected and since the thyroid gland is directly connected to the kidney, it gets affected, resulting in an imbalance in the thyroid. So the only solution is to evacuate the people and make them reside in a safe place, alleviating the inherent fear. But what the world as well as the Japan Government - does is boasting the Japanese as very brave etc.,- and make them live there itself, which is totally dangerous to their good health. Though outward they may look normal they actually suffer a lot. We know a girl who did not get her periods for an year, who was witness to the Tsunami event way back in Dec 2004, in Chennai. This was also due to the fear, affecting kidney/UB meridian and thus the thyroid gland.
So , that is the basic difference - allopathy is like passing an exam using a bit, whereas other streams of medicines try in passing with proper studying, correcting the root cause.
LUNG 5 - is situated in the if unable to see the picture, click on this link : imgres?imgurl=http://www. Acupuncture_drawings/ acupuncturepoint_lu5.gif& imgrefurl=http://www. acupuncture_coldsflu.html&usg= __8D7rmOaOBclym-NUy6sH3iH2ggw= &h=949&w=475&sz=22&hl=en& start=0&sig2= cBV3YzPgpAfsU8Ftt77n9w&zoom=1& tbnid=4mnVvAWRaNFblM:&tbnh= 133&tbnw=66&ei=EhStTeMlkea9A_ nE4M8L&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dlu% 2B5%2Bacupuncture%2Bpoint% 26hl%3Den%26sa%3DX%26biw% 3D1362%26bih%3D559%26tbm% 3Disch%26prmd%3Divnsbfd&itbs= 1&iact=rc&dur=546&oei= EhStTeMlkea9A_nE4M8L&page=1& ndsp=23&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:0&tx= 50&ty=78
LU 5 வயிற்றின்மூலாதாரசக்தியைசமன்படு த்தும்., நுரையீரலின்சக்திஓட்டத்தைஅதிகரி க்கும்
மீண்டும் தொடர்கிறேன்,
கருத்துகள் இல்லை:
எனது அனுபவங்களின்-தேவைகளின் அழுத்தம் என்னை எழுத வைத்துள்ளது. உங்கள் கருத்துகளால் இவை செழுமைப் படும்.