ஞாயிறு, 5 ஜூன், 2011

Know Your Body - 12

Today's Fact
   Many supporters of allopathic say that it is a sophisticated method of treatment, whereas other systems are crude. But read these few examples......

                      Disease                                                         Allopathic                                                     Other systems
1. For Kidney stones and Gall Bladder Stones,            Removes the organ itself, unable to treat              Removes the stones alone

2. For Uterus problems                                              removes the uterus itself, leading too                 Only the problems are rectified
                                                                                 many complications, and lifelong medicines.

3. For Fractures                                                       Nuts and bolts are used to join .Cuts for keeping   Simple setting with expertise
                                                                               it inside and then cutting again to take it out         and allowing for natural heal

4. For Diabetes                                                        Keep treating life long, affecting kidney, liver         simple life style correction
                                                                               (the toe is removed first the result of too              and pressing pancreas points
                                                                               much of medication (affecting the liver/spleen       or in case of stress the  
                                                                              points on the sides of the toe))                           relevant points are pressed

So , it is evident that allopathic TREATS  you life long, (for the pharmaceuticals' benefit and never for the patients' benefit) and other systems CURE the disease. So , now you can decide for yourself which system is crude and which is gentle. The only method known to allopathic is to take away the organ, as it will not be able to cure it, whereas acupuncture treats the meridian in a gentle way and cures the inherent disease factors as well.

Today's Tip
    To avoid hereditary diseases being carried over to the next generation, it is enough to press an important point in the Kidney meridian for the mother-to-be, during the 3rd, 6th and 9th months of pregnancy (weekly once)...It is K9 and the picture of the point is attached herewith. You may wonder what the logic/basis behind this is. Our Kidney has the function of not only cleansing the toxins/waste materials from our body, but also stores the LIFE ENERGY needed for our body from these waste materials. Hence before transmission of LIFE ENERGY from the mother to the child, if the channel is cleared, the ancestral diseases may not be carried over to the child. You would have heard of ADRENALIN gland, which is used as a last resort for some heart patients in allopathic.


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