ஞாயிறு, 7 ஆகஸ்ட், 2011

Know Your Body - 31

Today's Fact

Not only less energy, more energy is also the cause of various diseases and symptoms. This is the cause of hyperactive children in most of the nuclear families now-a-days. In the recent camp in Kanchipuram Makkal Manram (thanks to Geetha/Mahesh/Jessi).... We were all happy to see our children cleaning the plates as soon as they finished eating (Around 40 of us ate that day)., they themselves taking their lunch from the centre of the dining hall (nice arrangment) and by the end of the lunch time, all plates were so clean, and the girls at their home followed cleaning the cooking  vessels (only) as well, and within half an hour of finishing the lunch, both the kitchen and the dining room was looking so clean.  But think of a small family, the sink would brim with unclean lunch plates and vessels (even though it is a 4 member family), adding to the burden of the mother. (whose cardiac pain would increase on seeing the same...don't worry press P9).......So the advice here would be ....Children please share the burden of your mother.........Mothers/Grand mothers, please allow your children to clean their plates atleast and therefore making your work less......
 How is this relevant to acupuncture, Acupuncture deals with this stagnation of energy, by dissipating the same, as seen under in the tip today. மிகினும் குறையினும் நோய் செய்யும் என்பது போல......

Today's Tip

P9, the 9th point in the Pericardium meridian is also an emergency point. It is very effective for cardiac pain. Simple pressure in this point would ease the cardiac pain. Also good for palpitation, restoring / loss of consciousness, swelling of the tongue, febrile diseases, heat stroke and convulsions.

An expert acupuncturist can do this ..... Pricking to bleed the tips of all the fingers is a most effective way to drain heat and relieve the symptoms of severe sunburn or heat prostration.


கருத்துகள் இல்லை:


எனது அனுபவங்களின்-தேவைகளின் அழுத்தம் என்னை எழுத வைத்துள்ளது. உங்கள் கருத்துகளால் இவை செழுமைப் படும்.