ஞாயிறு, 5 ஜூன், 2011

Know Your Body - 16

Today's Fact

Many of us are of the opinion that a chubby baby is a healthy baby. Whereas it is not so. The tissues of the body relate to the "Wood" elements of the body. If the "water" elements are not formed properly, it will result in the tissues  and muscles joining with these water elements and showing as bloated, which we think to be healthy. Actually if the tissues and muscles are intact, the child will look only skinny and that is real health. Don't be baffled by the term "water" elements etc., actually they relate to the "kidney" and "urinary bladder" which are responsible for generating the LIFE FORCE (Kidney) and the GENITAL ORGANS (Urinary Bladder) of our body. So if your baby is bloated, the energy meridians of these organs are not proper.

Today's Tip
If the point K9 is pressured/needled during pregnancy, it will make the baby sleep throughout the night...It is termed as the HAPPY BABY point. This point works many wonders for the pregnant mothers, as already discussed. 


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